Tuesday, June 28, 2005
  weak at heart
its always fun to put on a game face and show everyone you're strong and undefeated. that way people stay away from you and would have to think twice about messing with you. its actually nice to have people respect you in some way because they are afraid of you. but then there are those times when you're alone and your greatest fears overpower you and u realize ur not as strong as u think you are and all the while ur just wearing a mask. a mask that fooled yourself as well.

on a less serious note: sometimes those masks can never hide the pain brought about by having your wisdom teeth yanked out. believe me, if the study of law isnt for the weak at heart, neither is getting your wisdom teeth out. damnit.

starting today, im adding this segment to each blog i make...

people and things im thankful for:
  1. getting to school safely
  2. not falling asleep in class
  3. seeing my friends especially doranne (yihee)
  4. those intervals when i dont feel pain in my mouth
  5. talking to mike..which put a smile on my face...
  6. having dinner with my dad
  7. getting home safely
  8. my three piggy banks sitting by my french windows
  9. talking to mike..which put a smile on my face (oh wait, i put this one already..well, see how thankful i am for this one?)
  10. chatting with chuck who puts an even bigger smile on my face...

things and people i pray for:

  1. that chuck is ok..that he finds a nice new apartment and a nice new job and that he's always safe
  2. that mike's heart becomes whole again
  3. that tim and nicole are doing alright, the same thing with their kids. that tim's second job is going well and that theyre new pup is healthy and that their house renovation is ok...
  4. that christine and eric are doing alright too
  5. that clarence will stop drinking too much..and that the dna test will show harmony is his kid...
  6. that shaun's safe in iraq
  7. that scott will be safe in iraq
  8. that lovine and all my friends in cali are always safe
  9. that trina doesnt feel insecure
  10. that jun gets to concentrate for the bar exams
  11. that my dad lives a longgggg life
  12. that the days quickly pass so that when i wake up, im back in chicago again
yes, i think everyone has to go through that.

as for the list, i think everyone has something to be thankful for each and every day. and there's always a silent prayer within our hearts that goes out for someone or something we hold dear.
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