Monday, June 27, 2005
the weekend that passed by was probably the worst ive had in my entire life. it began with a terrible fight with a good friend of mine that made me cry the entire day. add that to an almost 4-hour surgery of getting my wisdom tooth out. apparently, i have low tolerance for pain. i had to be injected with anesthesia every 20 minutes (which, by the way, did not help at all coz i still felt the drilling and the incision). then the swollenness of my left side started to get to me. thats not all. i had to suffer dysmennorea on my first day and a 40degree fever for that matter. im hungry as hell but i cant eat.

but despite the wicked weekend, i did learn quite a few things from it. for one thing, i know that mike's important to me. but i learned even more how important he really is to me. i learned not to let go of friends when they need you the most even if you think that by letting go, ur helping them out. coz trust me, more often than not, letting go is not the best way to help out a friend. i also learned the importance of second chances and not fucking up those second chances. i just hope that *maureen* will learn that as well. im thankful for my surgery as well. at least i wouldnt have to cringe in pain every now and then. id just have to get through this and its goodbye pain of wisdom teeth forever.

there will always be something to be thankful for even if the situation seems totally insane.
I will fight back, you know. And then, I'll make your life hell.